Acknowledgement for Excellent Youth Designs | 嘉許優秀新晉設計 Acknowledgement for Excellent Youth Designs | 嘉許優秀新晉設計 Architecture, Interior, Spatial & Environmental Design Architecture, Interior, Spatial & Environmental Design xcel2019-07-10T07:19:35+00:00 Acknowledgement for Excellent Youth Designs | 嘉許優秀新晉設計
Fly Environmentally 綠色飛行模式 Fly Environmentally 綠色飛行模式 Products & Industrial Design Products & Industrial Design xcel2019-07-10T07:16:27+00:00 Fly Environmentally | 綠色飛行模式
Design in the Works | 設計中的設計 Design in the Works | 設計中的設計 Products & Industrial Design Products & Industrial Design xcel2019-07-10T06:05:14+00:00 Design in the Works | 設計中的設計
Designing Out of the Box | 天馬行空的設計 Designing Out of the Box | 天馬行空的設計 Products & Industrial Design Products & Industrial Design xcel2019-07-10T05:35:12+00:00 Designing Out of the Box | 天馬行空的設計
Materialising the Future | 將未來變成真實 Materialising the Future | 將未來變成真實 Digital & Interactive Design Digital & Interactive Design xcel2019-07-10T05:32:03+00:00 Materialising the Future | 將未來變成真實
Beyond Three Dimensions | 跨越三維空間 Beyond Three Dimensions | 跨越三維空間 Architecture, Interior, Spatial & Environmental Design Architecture, Interior, Spatial & Environmental Design xcel2019-07-10T05:28:57+00:00 Beyond Three Dimensions | 跨越三維空間
Writing Off Negativity | 「寫」棄負面情緒 Writing Off Negativity | 「寫」棄負面情緒 Products & Industrial Design Products & Industrial Design xcel2019-07-10T07:42:35+00:00 Writing Off Negativity | 「寫」棄負面情緒
Marvelous Self-Introduction | 傑出的自我介紹 Marvelous Self-Introduction | 傑出的自我介紹 Products & Industrial Design Products & Industrial Design xcel2019-07-10T05:22:18+00:00 Marvelous Self-Introduction | 傑出的自我介紹
To Make Locally | 本地製造 To Make Locally | 本地製造 Graphics, Visual Communication & Advertising Design Graphics, Visual Communication & Advertising Design xcel2019-07-10T05:17:25+00:00 To Make Locally | 本地製造
Team Green Assembled | 綠團集合 Team Green Assembled | 綠團集合 Graphics, Visual Communication & Advertising Design Graphics, Visual Communication & Advertising Design xcel2019-07-10T05:10:59+00:00 Team Green Assembled | 綠團集合