Project Description
Hit It Off Environmentally | 環保協作 一拍即合
Conversations around sustainability and eco-products have become top-of-mind social topics to the general consumers as of late. ECO Concepts is a leading industry professional in the use of sustainable material PLA (Poly-Lactic Acid), a biodegradable material extracted from corn-starch, also an ecological substitute to the conventional plastic. ECO Concepts is proud to note that ‘PLA uses 47% LESS non-renewable energy, and generates 59% LESS Greenhouse Gas emissions than the average plastic manufacturing.’
Taking inspirations from a classic soda can, ECO Concepts’ design takes on a water bottle, aptly named ‘EcoCan’, which is familiar yet surprisingly modern. The material PLA boasts heat resistance up to 120°C, BPA and toxic free. By combining the eco factors and investing state-of-the-art technology in cylindrical printing on PLA, ECO Concepts is able to leverage its technologies to low-volume customisation requests, venturing into new markets and reaching new and smaller audiences.
The collaboration features the graphic designs of Savoy Cheung. Her ‘Fruit Boys’ employs an innocent illustration style to portray the perfect ‘Mr. Right’ in life. The illustration features an apple-head humanoid holding a guitar, which draws the connection between the healthy lifestyle of consuming fresh fruits and people’s desire of having a ‘perfect’ boyfriend. The illustration uses mostly primary colours that are vibrantly expressed through ECO Concept’s unique printing technology.
圍繞可持續發展和生態產品的對話可謂成為最近消費者的首要社交話題。 ECO Concepts是使用可持續物料PLA(聚乳酸)的專業行業先鋒。從玉米澱粉中提取的可生物分解物料,作為傳統塑料的生態替代品。 ECO Concepts對該物料非常自豪:「PLA使用少於47%的不可再生能源,並且比普通塑料製造產生的溫室氣體排放量低59%。」
ECO Concepts的設計靈感源自經典汽水罐的形象,他們採用了一個名為「EcoCan」的水瓶,這種瓶子既令人熟悉,又意想不到地富現代感。 PLA材料具有高達120°C的耐熱性,無BPA也無毒。透過將生態因子與最先進的技術融合到PLA的圓柱形印刷技術中,ECO Concepts能夠利用其技術進行小批量定制要求,進軍新市場並吸引較少數的新受眾。
張芷楓的平面設計作品「水果男孩」採用了一種天真無邪的插畫風格來描繪生活中完美的「真命天子」。插圖畫有一個拿著吉他的蘋果頭人形機器人還有一個位於圖書館的橙頭人。她的作品將選用新鮮水果的健康生活方式與人們挑選「完美」男友的願望聯繫起來。插圖主要使用原色,這些色彩都透過ECO Concepts獨特的印刷技術充滿活力地展現了出來。
Design Graduate:
CHEUNG Tsz Fung, Savoy
ECO Concepts
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學